About me

Born and raised in Vancouver, you can’t help but love the environment. With a city background laid against the mountains and the Pacific Ocean, it’s no wonder I became an environment loving, eco-conscious girl!!

After a short stint in Paris, I later moved to Montreal and like many other Vancouver transplants, it was for French love. Funny enough though, this is where my love for the environment blossomed. In 2000, I became a Vegetarian after reading Diet for a new America by John Robbins. This book opened my eyes to how modern, industrial day farming came about and why it threatens our health and the environment.

In 2001, I became an animal rights activist participating in many successful, national campaigns. I also began volunteering with pet rescue organizations where I help reduce the stray pet population and encourage pet adoption.

I am an avid proponent of organic and local eating when possible, conscious about needs vs. wants to not join this out-of-control consumption cycle and try hard to integrate as many green decisions as possible into my busy, city life.

I am a fur mommy to an adopted chihuahua named Bailey and 2 rescued cats named  Simba and Beardie-Girl.

I love nature, camping, kayaking, animals, gastronomy, wine, France, beauty, travelling and digital marketing.

I am a self-proclaimed Urban Green Girl!

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